+-----------------------------------------+ | | | Paul and Storm | | Live in Atlanta | | | +-----------------------------------------+
song titles: 01-intro 02-opening band 03-cruel intro 04-cruel cruel moon 05-eve intro 06-Christmas eve eve 07-dog intro 08-grandmas Christmas dinner 09-nugget intro 10-nugget man 11-ppv intro 12-nun fight 13-live intro 14-live 15-tribute intro 16-james bob aaron 17-frogger intro 18-frogger the frogger musical 19-lament intro 20-the captains wife lament 21-outro artist: Paul and Storm album: Live in Atlanta, GA year: 2010 comment: at the Variety Playhouse genre: acoustic geek folk date: 03dec2010 taper: bobsmith (avnerdsdontgetchicks) live.logicind.com packaging/audio encoding/file hosting: bobsmith (avnerdsdontgetchicks) live.logicind.com technical: - source: Nevaton MCE400 (matched omnis) -> PMD-661 OCM -> usb 2.0 -> 48.0/24 wav - configuration: split omnis (2 ft.) at approx 8-10 feet, FOB on the right side, approx 50 feet from stage - mic source -> Audacity v1.3 (file split) -> Adobe Audition v3.0 (eq and amplify, downsample to 44.1/16) - encoded to flac with switches --best --no-replay-gain --verify --no-lax - encoded to mp3 with switches --preset extreme --noreplaygain - encoded to ogg with switches -q 7 notes: - opening for Jonathan Coulton. - love the Variety Playhouse...great venue, great sound. - got the Nevaton's fixed, so please enjoy the fine Russian sound. - some parts of the show were at a lower volume, so turn it up as needed. headphones help. also also wik: - these files are freely distributed. - do not buy or sell these files. they have been watermarked so we will know...freakin' morons. - this nfo file is not to be separated from the audio files. - in the famous words of Reggie Cunningham (the mr. move), "It's a free tape, so don't bitch." thanks: - Paul and Storm, for being open taping. - Variety Playhouse for being taper friendly and knowing what's going on with artist who allow taping. - visit Paul and Storm online at their official site. - buy their stuff, at the store. - i stole the screen shot from a youtube video uploaded by MarinoV1. +-----------------------------------------+ nfo v0,9