+-----------------------------------------+ | | | The Mountain Goats | | Live in Atlanta | | | +-----------------------------------------+
md5 checksums: 867055fd206d8a5e1bfcda8940b2ebb4 the.mountain.goats.22may2017.terminal.west.atlanta.ga.flac.zip 264e9a5548b8d91b75f865605b0e1742 the.mountain.goats.22may2017.terminal.west.atlanta.ga.mp3.zip
song titles: 01-orchestral.intro 02-stench.of.the.unburied 03-dead.air 04-in.the.craters.on.the.moon 05-harlem.roulette 06-san.bernardino 07-modulation.in.the.bridge 08-wear.black 09-its.in.g.right 10-we.do.it.different.on.the.west.coast 11-does.not.understand.my.strap 12-store 13-letters.arent.wiggly 14-riches.to.wonder 15-where.metallica.is.from 16-going.to.alaska 17-nothing 18-rain.in.soho 19-andrew.eldritch.is.moving.back.to.leeds 20-hot.hot.two.door.honda.civic 21.broom.people 22-up.the.wolves 23-see.america.right 24-palmcorder.yajna 25-break1 26-this.year 27-good.good.seasoned.vomit 28-no.children 29-abandoned.flesh 30-pre.break2 31-break2 32-southwood.plantation.road 33-metal.out 34-abandoned.flesh.9v.changeover artist: The Mountain Goats album: Live in Atlanta, GA year: 2017 comment: at Terminal West genre: indie folk date: 22may2017 taper: bobsmith (also bobsmith19 or bobsmith_19 just depends on the site) live.logicind.com packaging/audio encoding/file hosting: bobsmith live.logicind.com technical: - source one: Milab VM-44 Link (cards) -> Sonosax SX-M2 -> PMD-661 OCM -> usb 2.0 -> 48.0/24 wav - source two: (tracks 29 and 30 only) Nevaton MCE400 (omni) -> PMD-661 OWM -> usb 2.0 -> 48.0/24 wav - configuration: DINa, FOB dead center balcony, clamped to rail extended 3 feet out - mic source -> Audacity 2.x (file split) -> Adobe Audition CS6 (eq and amplify, downsample to 44.1/16) - encoded to flac with switches --best --no-replay-gain --verify --no-lax - encoded to mp3 with switches --preset insane --noreplaygain - encoded to ogg with switches -q 10 notes: - open taping at Terminal West. - first time with the Super Clamp extended out over the crowd. - tracks 29 and 30 sound different because they were recorded with my backup rig. i had to swap batteries in the Sonosax so there's a break in the recording with the Milab mics. i spliced in the complete tracks as best i could. - i included the cut track (abandoned.flesh.9v.changeover) at the end for anyone wanting to hear it. - track 26 (this year) features Cindy Wilson from The B-52's on backup vocals. also also wik: - these files are freely distributed. - do not buy or sell these files. they have been watermarked so we will know...freakin' morons. - this nfo file is not to be separated from the audio files. - in the famous words of reggie cunningham (the mr. move), "it's a free tape, so don't bitch." thanks: - The Mountain Goats, for being open taping. - Terminal West for being taper friendly. - visit The Mountain Goats online official site - buy their stuff store - dan f. for hanging out and buying all the beer. - ezralite23 from setlist.fm for the setlist. +-----------------------------------------+ nfo v0,9